E-líquido con nicotina

What is e-liquid?
E-liquid is the liquid used to fill an e-cigarette. Thus, without the liquid, no vapor would escape from the e-cigarette when activated.
What really happens when e-liquid (also called e-juice) is filled into the e-cigarette is that the battery activate heating elements in the e-cigarette that heat and evaporate some of the liquid. It is the vapor that is then inhaled by the user.

Although it is still a young market, there are many different variants available today, both with and without nicotine. Here you can get everything from tobacco, to Redbull flavors, and it is almost dare to say, you can get flavors to suit every person.
They are also available in many different mixing conditions. Common to the e-liquids are they contain the aromas Propylene glycol and Vegetable glycerine (also called PG and VG).
Common to the two aromas is that they are soluble in water and help retain moisture. These are important factors as e-liquids are made up of water.
In addition, PG has the property that it holds «the flavors» that are now added. VG has the property that it gives a more powerful and thick smoke, which is important for many of the consumers.

Why e-liquid with nicotine?
Nicotine e-liquid is a good alternative for those who want to put their cigarette on the shelf. It is typically a popular choice because the e-cigarette and cigarette have many similar functions. However, e-liquid and e-cigarette are a healthier and less risky alternative to e.g. cigarette smoking.
Furthermore, most smokers who want to get rid of smokers start with e-liquid containing nicotine. This happens most often because nicotine is an element of smoking the consumer may find it difficult to do without.
Later, you have the opportunity to both step down with nicotine, or completely get rid of the nicotine in the e-liquid. Which is an alternative some ex smokers who become steamers choose, others stay with the same nicotine dose.

High quality e-liquid
E-liquid is still a young market and there are many different brands out there. Therefore, it is important that you make the right choice so that you are sure that you are getting a safe and approved product.
All our products are approved for sale on the Danish market and are of high quality that we can guarantee. Below is the general information on the 4 approved e-liquid manufacturers we negotiate:
Vapeson: Is a Budget brand with good e-liquid, for those who want to steam as cheaply as possible, without compromising the taste.
Sundbygaard: Is a standard product brand, with a lot of Danish classics in their range. A super e-liquid for those who want to steam at a reasonable price
Liqua: Is a Premium brand from Italy which is incredibly well known for their amazing tobacco liquids.
Moliq: Is a premium product where nothing has been compromised. You will find their e-liquids are more complex and have many delicious tones which make it a taste to steam!
All Shortfill and Premix can be selected with a nicotine shot in the price.
Shortfill has room for a Nicotine Shot in the bottle which makes it easy to mix together quickly.
Premix is ​​fluids that are completely filled up, where there is no room for the whole of the nicotine base, therefore we send a small empty 10 ml bottle with no charge to mix with.
Fill about 80% of the premix juice into the empty 10 ml bottle and the remaining 20% ​​with nicotine base. Fill the rest of the nicotine base into the large Premix bottle and you now have 2 bottles mixed for 0 or 3 mg.
Now you have a small 10ml to go and you are now free to run around with a giant bottle in your bag or pocket! It is smart!
Just Vape

Carrito de compra

Justvape.nu will close and all stock is on sale From 35% to 75%!

We thank all the customers for this time.

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